Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Diva has left the building

Thank you, thank you very much....

So,  I get this desperate cry of urgency and help for that matter from a dear friend of mine, who also got me a great singing gig for Nicolas Cage, would I please help him with his next party endeavor he was putting together and could I MC it for him?   Well, one of those Friday nights I happen to be doing nothing so I knew it be a blast just being at one of his events and getting paid for it, oh yeah, count me in!  So this is how the night ended, me posing with "the King", and I thoroughly enjoyed his 20 minute tribute!  He really sang all of the Elvis numbers and gave out autographed scarves, as you can see the "red" one I was given, along with a kiss of course.  If your ever in need of Elvis, check out Randy Bonneval for all your "the King" needs at  he's definitely worth it!
The party goes smoothly and calmly and yes, was sooo very much fun.  This was actually the first time I'd ever dressed up in fifties attire!  I thought the whole fifties theme thing was a great plus to the 50 year anniversary the couple was celebrating.  My friend, Tony, was pleasantly pleased with the whole aftermath and surprised at the feedback he'd received considering he through this one together in a matter of 2 weeks.  But this is a professional party coordinator who puts parties together in no less than 8 months to a year mostly, so you can imagine... even Nic Cage would've been proud, being the huge Elvis fan that he is! 
No, my hair is not purple, all the time.... but it was fun to dress up for those Mardi Gras Kings of Bacchus parade parties!  Yep, I slimmed down  quite a bit for Jon Lovitz the following year for his King party.  
I definitely enjoy my second job.... singing for stars!!!  Now how do I get a gig to sing for Robert Pattinson???

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